esdTronix is firslty a design house of communication and control electronics when it was founded in 2015. Based on the deep understanding and insight to the communication and control technologies, esdTronix also designs, develops, and manufactures customized smart Chargers & BMS for diverse lithium-ion batteries.

esdTronix’s value engineering effort maximizes the use of common components in designing and manufacturing smart charger & BMS to improve cost and performance.

It is esdTronix’s mission to be the premier Smart Chargers & BMS for Lithium-ion Batteries.

esdTronix, dedicated to providing top-quality service in all facets of its business, understands that service begins when a conversation is initiated with the customer. Our entire organization is committed to providing customer service through a continuous improvement process. esdTronix realizes that flexibility, performance, and customer service are the foundations of success, and is committed to providing each of these.